About the Journal
It is our great pleasure to announce that the forthcoming 9th International Conference on Bilingual Education shall be accepting abstract submissions via the esteemed Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. As a peer-reviewed system, OJS shall ensure that only the highest-quality abstracts shall be accepted.
In order to facilitate this rigorous peer-review process, we kindly request that all submitted abstracts adhere strictly to the templates provided. These templates are designed to ensure that each submission meets the conference's stringent standards, and thus we encourage all authors to utilize them to the fullest extent possible.
We are confident that the use of OJS and our strict adherence to these templates will ensure that only the finest, most informative and engaging abstracts will be presented at our conference. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to seeing you at this exciting event.
El envío de propuestas solo deberán llevarlo a cabo aquellos participantes que deseen presentar una o varias comunicaciones en el Congreso. El proceso de envío de resúmenes y su revisión se realizará exclusivamente a través del Sistema de Envío de Resúmenes.
En el caso de comunicaciones con varios autores, el envío deberá llevarlo a cabo únicamente el autor de correspondencia.
Podrá conocer en todo momento el estado de la revisión de sus comunicaciones accediendo al Panel de Gestión. Una vez que las diferentes comunicaciones hayan sido evaluadas a través de este sistema de peer review, el autor de correspondencia recibirá la revisión de la propuesta a través de su dirección de correo electrónico.
Con el fin de facilitar la labor de envío de propuestas hemos habilitado una breve guía para el uso del Panel de Gestión.
Procedimiento general para el envío de resúmenes:
- Acceder a la plataforma de envíos
- Crear un usuario
- Subir el resumen utilizando la plantilla proporcionada
- Realizar el pago una vez que el abstract esté aceptado.
No olvide seguir las normas de citación APA7 para la confección de su abstract.
The submission of proposals must only be carried out by those participants who wish to present one or several communications at the Congress. The process of abstract submission and its review will be carried out exclusively through the Abstract Submission System.
In the case of communications with several authors, the submission must only be carried out by the corresponding author. You can check the status of your communications at any time by accessing the Management Panel. Once the different communications have been evaluated through this peer review system, the corresponding author will receive the review of the proposal through their email address.
To facilitate the submission process of proposals, we have enabled a brief guide for the use of the Management Panel.
General procedure for abstract submission: • Access the submission platform • Create a user account • Upload the abstract using the provided template • Make the payment once the abstract is accepted.
Don't forget to follow the APA7 citation rules when creating your abstract.